Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 2/22/2024 - 6:30 PM
Category: Action
Type: Action
Subject: 5.3 Approval of Administrator Contracts for 2024-2025
Strategic Plan:
EMPLOYEE - Quality Staff
Policy: GCD - Professional Staff Recruiting and Hiring
Provide Name(s) of Attachments 2024-2025 Administrators 2.22.24
File Attachment:
2024-2025 Administrators 2.22.24.pdf
Provide Background Details and Rationale: By state statute, school administrators must be issued a contract with a term length of one or two years. The Park Hill Board of Education has chosen to issue one-year contracts.
Provide Funding Source and Estimated Cost: 2024-2025 Division Budget 2024-2025 Salary Schedules
Legal References
Name of Persons(s) Submitting Agenda Item with Title Dr. Amy Dillon, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources
Presenter(s) if Presentation Anticipated Dr. Amy Dillon, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Park Hill Board of Education offer contracts to the list of administrators as presented for the 2024-2025 school year.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Dr. Amy Dillon - Assistant Superintendent - Human Resource Services
Signed By:
Dr. Mike Kimbrel - Superintendent
Vote Results:

Original Motion
Member Kimberlee Ried Moved, Member Layla Barbur seconded to approve the Original motion 'It is recommended that the Park Hill Board of Education offer contracts to the list of administrators as presented for the 2024-2025 school year.'. Upon a Roll-Call Vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 7 Nay: 0.
The motion Carried 7 - 0
Janice Bolin     Yes
Scott Monsees     Yes
Kimberlee Ried     Yes
Brandy Woodley     Yes
Daryl Terwilleger     Yes
Shereka Barnes     Yes
Layla Barbur     Yes