Meeting Date:
12/14/2023 - 6:30 PM
Closed Session
11.1 Adjourn to Closed Session for the purpose of discussing matters relevant to Legal, Personnel and Student pursuant to RSMO 610.021(1), 610.021(3) and (13), and 610.021(6)
Strategic Plan:
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Provide Background Details and Rationale:
Pursuant to Section 610.021 a public governmental body is authorized to close meetings, records and votes for certain reasons.
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Legal References
Name of Persons(s) Submitting Agenda Item with Title
Opal Hibbs, Board Secretary.
Presenter(s) if Presentation Anticipated
Board President will call for a motion and second to adjourn to closed session. A roll call vote will be taken.
It is recommended that the Board of Education adjourn to Closed Session pursuant to Chapter 610, Section 021 of the Revised Missouri Statutes for the purpose of discussing matters relevant to subsections (1) Legal, (3) and (13) Personnel, and (6) Student.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Opal Hibbs - Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent/Board Secretary
Signed By:
Dr. Mike Kimbrel - Superintendent
Vote Results:
Original Motion | Member Kimberlee Ried Moved, Member Shereka Barnes seconded to approve the Original motion 'It is recommended that the Board of Education adjourn to Closed Session pursuant to Chapter 610, Section 021 of the Revised Missouri Statutes for the purpose of discussing matters relevant to subsections (1) Legal, (3) and (13) Personnel, and (6) Student.'. Upon a Roll-Call Vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 6 Nay: 0. | The motion Carried 6 - 0 | | | Janice Bolin | Yes | Scott Monsees | Yes | Kimberlee Ried | Yes | Brandy Woodley | Yes | Daryl Terwilleger | Yes | Shereka Barnes | Yes | |