Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 4/25/2024 - 6:30 PM
Category: Curriculum
Type: Action
Subject: 5.19 Approval of BrainPOP Resource Renewal Purchase
Strategic Plan:
Policy: IA - Instructional Goals/Priority Objectives
Provide Name(s) of Attachments BrainPOP Renewal Agreement 24-25
File Attachment:
BrainPOP Renewal Agreement 24-25.pdf
Provide Background Details and Rationale: BrainPOP is a web based collection of children’s educational short animated videos. BrainPOP is used in our K-5 classrooms and includes K-2 BrainPop junior, 3-5 BrainPOP, and BrainPOP for English Learners. Video topics include science, social studies, English, math, engineering, technology, health, arts, and music. Quizzes that correspond with videos are also available. Teachers often use BrainPOP to introduce a new learning topic and for re-teaching. Videos are engaging, fun, motivating and have been vetted for safe appropriate content. Students have individual logins and teachers can share content and quizzes with students. Teachers can pick and choose specific topics for students to study, or they can let students explore and learn based on their interests.
Provide Funding Source and Estimated Cost: $58,230 from the Elementary Resources budget
Legal References
Name of Persons(s) Submitting Agenda Item with Title Dr. Merri Beth Means, Director of Elementary Education Dr. Jasmine Briedwell, Assistant Superintendent for Academic Services
Presenter(s) if Presentation Anticipated
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Park Hill Board of Education approve BrainPOP Resource Renewal purchase, as presented.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Dr. Merri Beth Means - Director of Elementary Education
Signed By:
Dr. Jasmine Briedwell - Assistant Superintendent - Academic Services
Signed By:
Dr. Mike Kimbrel - Superintendent
Vote Results:

Original Motion
Member Brandy Woodley Moved, Member Layla Barbur seconded to approve the Original motion 'It is recommended that the Park Hill Board of Education approve BrainPOP Resource Renewal purchase, as presented.'. Upon a Roll-Call Vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 6 Nay: 0.
The motion Carried 6 - 0
Scott Monsees     Yes
Brandy Woodley     Yes
Daryl Terwilleger     Yes
Shereka Barnes     Yes
Layla Barbur     Yes
Harrison Todd     Yes